Life Path

What is your life path? We all have one. How do you know when it’s time for a change? I’ll tell you how. It’s that little inner voice inside of us that whispers and nudges us to move forward in specific directions. Or in some cases it’s a full on scream! I recently watched a documentary entitled I AM directed by Tom Shadyac, in his search of what is wrong with our world. Too often many people ignore that inner voice until one day they are thrown into revelation about their purpose in life, via miracles, accidents, or yes even near death experiences, as in Mr. Shadyac’s case.

Life offers us opportunities everyday to evolve. It is those unexpected daily occurrences that happen each and everyday that people must pay attention to. It could be running into an old friend at the mall, spilling your coffee on your brand new upholstered chairs, getting caught in the rain, finding a quarter on the sidewalk or simply noticing a co worker’s new watch and complimenting it, thus engaging in a conversation with him/her. Believe it or not, these happenings are what could very well propel you into a life change. Think… drop of water in a big pond here. Everything, no matter how minor, has a rippling effect. Ah cause and effect! The keynote here… be cognizant of your reactions and find the positive no matter how small in every random occurrence. It is also important to venture through life being aware of life itself. Notice the vibrancy of the sky. Notice the kind gesture of a stranger. Notice the extra bounce in someone’s step. It is these things that keep us tuned into life. It is these things that effect our outcomes. In other words, being aware and positive will ultimately ripple through the world and connect all of us. This ripple effect will show each of us the way to proceed and fulfill our soul’s quests in life.

Back to what is your life path? It’s simple…be aware, be positive and be happy! If you already know, affirm what you want in a way that already states it is true. For example, ‘I want to expand my business’…becomes…’I have a thriving business!’ Truly believe what you affirm. Feel it and see it! Remember the ripple effect is at play here. Your intentions will definitely ripple outward and manifest your true life path for you in ways that you’ve never expected. If you are unsure what you want but know that it’s time for a change then keep paying attention to those unexpected occurrences and spread love and light by being positive and happy in what ever you do. The universe will guide you.

~ Happy Journeying and Many Reiki Regards,
