Reiki is energy, we are energetic beings…so what does this all mean? Let’s break it down. Reiki is universal life force energy that people who are attuned to Reiki can tap into and channel by mere intent. What is the purpose or function of this so called universal life force energy? It is what fuels our energetic bodies. Without this fuel flowing easily through us things that are not ‘real’ often end up surfacing as illnesses and blockages. Wait! What do you mean by things that ‘aren’t real’? Illness plagues and blockage creates pools of negativity that manifest into all kinds of visible physical, mental and emotional outcomes. Yes indeed, that’s what happens in our three dimensional world but only if we choose to give such negativity a life of its own.
How often have you said when you feel the pains of a headache…’Oh I wish this headache would go away’ or something similar that implies this headache can grow legs and move on? That this headache of yours has a heart beat and mind of it’s own to decide when it is going to leave? That this headache has free will? The moment you acknowledge illness or pain as a separate entity with it’s own free will is the moment you give life to a negative situation and is the same moment that you evoke fear. Guess who loves fear? Ego does! Ego does! As my son’s newest T-shirt claims ‘Ego is NOT your Amigo’…how right that declaration is! Our egos are in constant battle with our spiritual bodies. Universal life force energy is fuel for our soul but fear is fuel for our egos. So, you’re probably wondering what to say the next time you have a headache and the better response would be to simply affirm that you are happy, healthy and whole. Repeat this several times. Focus on the affirmation and really believe it! The headache is not an energy you’re willing to put up on a pedestal and give life too, it’s an energy that you are decidedly ready to release as one that was never yours to begin with.
Our thoughts are energy and it’s truly awful to watch a person’s negative thinking manifest into continuous negative realities for them. However, with just the flick of a mental switch and by redefining and declaring our situations as purposeful, meaningful and ones that will indefinitely yield us beneficial outcomes, regardless of the perceived obstacles and atrocities in the way, than we will all easily manifest more positive outcomes in our lives and live the true life we are meant to. We are in the time of an expanding consciousness. A consciousnesses that does not yield to ego and fear. A consciousness that enables us to spread lightness around the universe and follow our true energetic soul’s purpose without limitation. The next time illnesses and or blockages try to interrupt your path of evolution take my advice and repeat as necessary… I’m happy, healthy and whole!
~ Happy Journeying…Reiki Regards,