Higher Self—Show Yourself

Who is your higher self? What do they look like? How do you get acquainted with them? What’s the purpose?

Our higher self is our soul consciousness. It’s like looking in a mirror and conversing with your image telepathically, in order to discover the truth about who you are.

Soul consciousness is our true self. The self we hear when we cut out all the ‘noise’ in life—intuition and gut reactions.

There is an aspect of ourselves that resides in pure consciousness—eternally, and this consciousness carries all of our incarnation’s memories, past, present and future intel, and is a valuable source, while we live in a physical existence and define our purpose here.

Generally, life is loud and like a sponge we absorb and internalize so much of this noise. As children we take everything at face value. “It’s your imagination, it’s just a dream, it’s not real.” Our trust in our caregivers’ advice and opinions is indefinite—until it isn’t. As we grow and adapt to our environments, we naturally begin to formulate our own attitudes and somewhere in adulthood, all our trials and errors render us with a set of our own beliefs and morals about who we are and our place in the world.

It seems purely physical on the surface but eventually most of us begin to question our purpose on this earth—mid-life crisis? Albeit, some of us question our paths sooner, rather than later—bless them. But for the most part, until we actively listen beyond the physical noise, our higher self runs on what I like to refer to as ‘auto-pilot’. It allows for intuition to seep through, or in many cases, hind-sight to take up active residency in our thought process, until we learn to begin to trust our intuition implicitly, instead of wishing we had—aka the expression “hind-sight is 20-20.” Fortunately, not all is lost, every time, as I’m certain each of us can attest to having experienced gut-reactions to ideas and inclinations of knowingness about things, without specific reason, and abided by the guidance. 

As a mid-sth, 40-year-old—ok, 45. I’ve fulfilled society’s expectations so-to-speak—survived a lot of noise, having finished higher-education, worked, married, raised a family. I’ve lived long enough to formulate my own beliefs and back them up with personal experience, not relying solely on the opinions of others—auto-pilot officially switched off. I trust in my higher self, my true inner voice, and check-in with the wealth of knowledge that resides there on a regular basis—manual operation engaged.

Meditation is a great way to connect with that inner voice, or simply sitting in silence. Pay attention to your breath. Imagine a slow-flowing stream of water sliding over your forehead and down the bridge of your nose, along your neck, chest and legs, across the tops of your feet and penetrating its way down into the earth. Keep still, keep quiet. Wrap yourself in white light so you’re sitting in a bubble of protection—sacred space. Focus on your third-eye chakra area. Ask your questions, listen for answers. If day-to-day thoughts interfere, bring your attention back to your breath and repeat the process. You may not get a thundering response, but every time you try, you will open and clear your channel to your higher self, just a little bit more—isn’t that easy?

We’ve all heard it before— “We are spiritual bodies, living in a physical existence.” We are here to grow, experience and speak our truths—truths delivered via our aspects of higher self.

Be Happy.

Enjoy self-help with a twist? Read my new fictional novel, Voice of the Red Dragonfly ~ A Spiritual Story, about opening yourself up to the flow, and watching as your best life unfolds before your eyes.


1 thought on “Higher Self—Show Yourself

  1. This post came just at a time when I needed a reminder to connect with myself. I feel like summer can be a bit rushed. Places to go. People to see. Thank you for the reminder to take time to connect with myself.

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